Various shots of a dhow sailing on the sea around the island of Zanzibar in Africa; other dhows are seen in moored in the harbour as large boxes of spices are unloaded; two men in traditional costume haggle over prices.
Various shots of women picking cloves from trees; we are told Zanzibar is the greatest exporter of cloves. L/S of the market place; M/S of a fruit stall selling pineapples and mangoes (?); C/U of a seller running his hands over a pile of nutmegs.
L/S of a cruise liner coming in towards the island. M/S as two tourists in coolie hats climb into a rickshaw by the sea front and set off, being pulled by an African man. Point of view shot from a moving vehicle as we pass through the main street; M/S of the couple in the rickshaw looking around with interest. M/S of the town with people milling about.
Various shots of an Indian craftsman working on some hammered silver ornaments; another craftsman carves a wooden Arab doorway; a finished carved doorway is seen in place, being embossed
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