Showgirls age 10-13 fairy dance with acrobatics | Superkids

Apply now! Noch mehr rund um Superkids: Watch all dance performances of Superkids here: Cute little fairies from Germany dance like a dream! This is Superkids - The greatest little talents of the world! You will meet 36 super talented kids aged 3 to 14 from around the world that show their extraordinary talents on stage. Host Wayne Carpendale is flying around the globe to meet the talents at home and invites them to join the show in Germany. His sidekick host Johanna Klum and the judges Henning Wehland, known from “The Voice Kids“, Musical Star Chantal Janzen and World Cup Alpine Ski Ra...cer Felix Neureuther complete the team. /// Alle Tanzauftritte von Superkids: Wenn diese Mädchen zu tanzen beginnen, hat man das Gefühl, als wäre man in einem Traum. Eine elfengleiche Vorstellung der jungen Tänzerinnen.
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