Previously Unknown Dust Battery Mechanism Kickstarted Magnetic Fields Across the Universe

Get a Wonderful Person Tee: More cool designs are on Amazon: Alternatively, PayPal donations can be sent here: Hello and welcome! My name is Anton and in this video, we will talk about the early formation of the magnetic fields in the universe Links: Previous videos: #universe #magneticfield #bigbang 0:00 How magnetism began in the universe 1:30 Magnetism in galaxies and discoveries from JWST 3:40 How did the first fields start? 4:30 Results from the study: dust batteries 7:05 How this affected galaxies 8: ... #AntonPetrov #dust_battery #big_bang #big_bang_theory #what_is_big_bang #did_big_bang_happen #colliding_wind_binary #wolf_rayet_star #wolf_rayet #jwst 20241211 Xh57nl4Lo10
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