The Stains of Time (Phnom-enal Mix)

I’m a terrible person JUST for that title. Just for that. I’d like to save the GRAD Mix for the mixing tutorial video, and I had a space of free time while I was at school, where I didn’t have access to the computer I need to make the tutorial not have terrible jumpy video quality. So instead, I just made this mix, ’cause I figured I’d end up doing it eventually anyway. For this one, I wanted to make the introduction atmospheric to the environment that the boss fight takes place in, similar to my Spirit of the Wolf mix from January. I also wanted to make it quieter, so that it sort of “rises“ out of the background noise. Ideally, I wanted it to almost sound like a prayer- or edict-of-sorts, but the vocals were a little too loud for that, so I just let it play out normally, lol.
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