How to JUGGLE Penguin, Pinguin Catches with 3 balls (Advanced Tutorial)

A penguin catch is a kind of trick catch made with the arm extended down and twisted so that the hand points out to the side with the palm facing up. This is similar to a reverse shoulder throw, but the object isn’t caught behind the back. This trick is named because apparently it makes you look like one but I can’t quite see it myself. Explanation from Without any balls for the moment, let one arm hang straight down by your side. Fold your wrist up so that if you curl your fingers they point to the inside of your forearm. Looking down your arm, turn your hand inwards (turn your right hand ...anticlockwise and your left hand clockwise). But keep going, keep your elbow locked & hunch your shoulder forward so that the hand points out to the side. With practice, your arm will become more supple & you will be able to turn your hand further round which makes the trick easier. Keep your elbow locked or your hand will naturally curl back around. This i
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