Tiny Tim Interviewed by Ken Gullette - Sioux City 1989

Tiny Tim was in Sioux City, Iowa in 1989 along with Mike Pinera and other stars for the “30 Years of Rock and Roll“ tour. I was the news director at KCAU-TV, the “Major 9 News.“ I had seen Tiny Tim in Richmond, Kentucky 15 or 16 years before, and I had enjoyed him on Laugh-In and The Tonight Show in the 1960s, so I was one of the journalists who converged on him when he came out of a record store in Sioux City where he had just made an appearance. Tiny Tim was always nice to the media and not only talked with me, he sang “Sioux City Sue“ on this video. When it was over, he walked away, sort of lumbering and overweight, and he looked alone -- the image haunted me.
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