Video by Levitate Phoenix

«Did you think it was smart? Making love in the dark..» *********************************************************************** Inspiration struck for my all time favourite ’’could have been’’ couple. This was challenging but most of all fun because I tried not to use any of their actual scenes(which wasn’t that hard because hello they barely had any lol). So most of these are manips. I just knew I had to vid frucien to this dark, gloomy song so it was a perfect match. I tried a new R&B technique and it was nice to play around with it. Story: Freya&Lucien are enemies who enjoy certain benefits *smirk smirk* When Freya feels Lucien’s attention wondering she makes out with a random girl after the party. Lucien gets jealous and follows her out. When he starts getting possessive Freya teases him about being protective like he actually cares. Only to crawl back to him days later because she has an itch only Lucien can scratch. Lucien doesn’t hide that he’s a damaged goods and Freya likes it because she can relate. Things escalate when they end up clashing and Lucien attacks Freya. She deals with him easily enough, deciding a little torture is needed. After a few days Lucien escapes, but still keeps circling Freya. After their endless games he decides that “this little theater needs to reach a conclusion“. While Freya suggestively implies that anything can happen(the night is young). *********************************************************************** Anyway feedback is appreciated ;) Enjoy! For the best experience: HD Headphones. *********************************************************************** Fandom: The Originals Pairing: Freya Mikaelson & Lucien Castle Coloring: Xellerina Song: ask
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