15 Minute SUPERSET Upper Body & Core Workout | No Equipment

15 minute upper body and core workout full of supersets! The entire core and upper body working with this bodyweight workout! Simply follow along and join me for 15 minutes to feel those triceps working hard, weight on those shoulders and core engaged! The timer will be on for 40 seconds of work, followed straight into 40 seconds of work then rest for 20 seconds rest! All you will need for this workout is a mat! TRICEP PUSH UP PLANK LADDER DIVER PUSH UP PLANK TO DOLPHIN DEADSTOP PUSH UP DEADSTOP PLANK WIDE PUSH UPS SUPERMAN PIKE PUSH UP PLANK FEET WALK IN CROUCH TO LEAN PUSH UP PLANK LEAN HOLLOW BODY TO PUSH UP PLANK HOLLOW ALT KNEE TUCK GORILLA PUSH UP HOVER TO PLANK SKULLCRUSHER* ALT LEG RAISE PLANK* alternative is Hover Skullcrusher (will be shown on screen as alternative) or you can perform regular push ups instead! Core will be forced to engage, and remember to keep quads tight too d
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