Wings For Victory Week (1943)

Full title reads: ““WINGS FOR VICTORY“ WEEK OPENS IN LONDON“. London. Various shots of the crowds in Trafalgar Square for the start of the “Wings for Victory“ week. A Lancaster bomber is on show in the Square. Several shots of Sir Robert Kindersley speaking on the campaign (natural sound): “This campaign will give every free citizen to this free land an opportunity to express their admiration of, and gratitude to, the men of that superb force to whom the many owe so much. These “Wings for Victory“ weeks are the nation’s salute to the gallant men of the Royal Air Force, of the Fleet Air Arm, and of the Allied Air Force... In announcing the opening of the “Wings for Victory“ Campaign I shall release thirteen hundred pigeons each bearing a message to one of our thirteen hundred savings committees throughout the country. These winged messengers, many of whom have seen war service, will I feel sure, prove to be harbingers of complete and outstanding success in this great Campaign“. He pulls a cord a
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