Portrait Painting Tutorial - Sargent Copy Using Pyrrole Red
Sargent Copy Using Pyrrole Red
In this portrait painting tutorial, realist artist Alex Tzavaras completes a master copy of a Portrait of Carolus Duran, by John Singer Sargent. Painted in 1879, Carolus Duran was Sargent’s teacher and his Atelier in Paris, where he taught direct Alla Prima oil painting techniques, was considered revolutionary. As at that time, Art schools still taught classical oil painting techniques, of beginning an oil painting with a detailed under drawing and applying colour with many layers of transparent glazes.
To do this exercise yourselves, download a free version of Sargent’s original painting here:
To paint this copy Alex uses the Zorn Palette. A limited palette usually made up of four colours, Ivory Black, Vermillion or Cadmium Red Light, Yellow Ochre and White. However, intead of Cadmium Red Light, Alex has substuted it with Winsor Red by Winsor and Newton. A much cheaper colour that uses a pig
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