Full contact staff fighting - Quaterstaff Sparring
If it comes to stick fighting martial arts one may think of FMA aka Arnis Eskrima or Kali as well as the Dog Brothers which do full contact low gear sparring at their gatherings.
But also Europe has fencing schools which teach the two handed staff like the French baton, the Italian Bastone a due mani, the German Fechtstock, the British Quaterstaff and others.
We do several styles of stick and staff fighting and this is us in sparring with the staff
Have a look at our playlists for staff fighting arts of the 19th cent:
See some of our books and translations here:
Or support us on Patreon
If you want to join us, Mispeldorn is located in Aachen Germany
We are one of the finest clubs for smallsword and sabre if you look for a different kind of weapon in HEMA. Maybe you are interested to join our study group for cane, staff and Savate or just come for a visit!
#hema #stickfighting #martialarts #lacanne #historicalfencing #dogbrothers
2 months ago 00:04:29 3
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