Cameos From “The Good Old Days“ The Musical Play At The Gaiety London (1925)

Gaiety Theatre, London. “The good old days - in a good old setting - “ Scene from the play in which a man in hunting garb sits astride a horse surrounded by beagles. People stand around what seems to be a Tudor style building. The scene is seen through a picture frame device. Dissolve. A man rides towards the camera on a little pony. Men in hunting gear speak to him. Another scene in the same location - man rides into show on white horse with dogs following. He rides through an archway and is followed by the rest of the huntsmen and some women. * “And a living painting of old-time jollity in the supper room of the Mitre Inn.“ L/S of couples dancing in the Inn setting, again seen through the picture frame device. Closer view of aristocratic types sitting at a table drinking heartily from mugs. A middle aged woman in the foreground acts drunk. “The Earl of Jawleyford“, (Oscar Asche) laments his loaded dice being used against him - “ M/S of a scene where a large man in a dressing gown throws dice
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