Диана Анкудинова - национальная премия «НИКА» Саундтрек к фильму - «Тихая застава» .
#АнкудиноваДиана #ДианаАнкудинова #DianaAnkudinova #Diana #Диана #певцы #Mask #Masksinger #dernièredanse #тысупер #best #performance #russian #singer #Reaction
. Диана Анкудинова приняла участие в ежегодной национальной премии «НИКА».
Саундтрек к фильму - «Тихая застава» - Краем мы попали на разлом
. Diana Ankudinova took part in the annual national award “NIKA“.
The soundtrack to the film - “Silent Outpost“ - We got to the edge of the fault
Text by Oleg Mityaev — Silent Outpost
I won’t be back soon now.,
Whether I come back in reality or in a dream.
How much is waiting for sadness
As in saying goodbye for good…
We got to the edge of the fault,
Everything that happened before will seem like paradise to us later,
And he will never come back to us again…
Everything that happened before,
And he will never come back to us again…
There we ran barefoot,
in the warm blue,
ringing rainbows with strings.
And now the rains are slanting all through me.
Early, how early it all flashed by,
The wound, this wound is only in passing,
And the one who has been waiting for us for a long time will hug us,
and will not let us go anymore.
We got to the edge of the fault,
It will seem like paradise to us later
Everything that happened before,
And he will never come back to us again…
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