LOST ORBIT | PC Gameplay | 1440P / 2K

● Buy this Game up to 80% off: //- Info Stranded after his ship is destroyed in deep space, Harrison, a lowly maintenance worker and our hero, must struggle to find his way home... LOST ORBIT centers around the exploration of space. //- Addition It’s a nice little game that suffers from monotone levels. But hey at least you sound like Kenny from South Park when you boost right? //- System Recommendation OS: Windows 7 Processor: Intel Core I7 Series Memory: 8 GB RAM Graphics: Geforce 5 Series DirectX: Version Hard Drive: 1300 MB available space //- My System OS: Windows 8.1 Pro 64bit MB: Asus Sabertooth Z77 CPU: Intel Core i7-3770K @ GPU: Zotac GTX 980 4GB RAM: Corsair 8GB 1600MHz PSU: Cougar 550W //- Follow me
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