Finally, another cover that I wanted to do for a long long time now. The game “Gothic“ and especially it’s marvellous soundtrack by Kai Rosenkranz had a big impact on my visual and musical taste regarding games and related media. It also shaped my perception of the impact that music and sound design can have on the overall immersion within a “foreign“ world, like the colony in “Gothic“. The old camp in Gothic 1 was a place I spent countless hours in when I was a child - and it perfectly delivered the feeling of some kind of home in the game’s rough and unrelenting world, especially through it’s wonderful soundtrack.
Can’t wait to hear your feedback on this one! As said in the description of my other cover from “Gothic“: the first game and it’s successors shaped my childhood and teenage years - and so did the outstanding score of Kai Rosenkranz.
Spotify release coming soon! Check out the pre-save page:
CHECK OUT this awesome UE5 Gothic Fan Art by Mihai Nicola: @mihaiadriannicula
The artwork of this track is a screenshot from his wonderful recreation scene of the old camp.
My Terranigma cover album “Terranigma Revisited“ is available here:
Amazon: =sr_1_12?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&dchild=1&keywords=roman heuser&qid=1613769417&sr=8-12
Please enjoy the album and, of course, stay tuned for more music coming up soon :)!
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