Chocolate vs. Gummy🍫🍬 | Sweet Candy | Trick or Treat | Halloween Songs for Kids | JunyTony
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🎃 More JunyTony Halloween Songs
Mrs. Giraffe gave Juny, Tony lots and lots of Halloween treats!
From sweet chocolates to chewy gummies, which candy do you think is the best?
Let’s find out which candy will win in this contest!
“Trick or treat!”
“Oh, my!
Lots and lots of treats for you!
Here you go.
Happy Halloween, Juny, Tony!”
“Thank you, Ms. Giraffe!
Happy Halloween!”
look at these chewy gummies!
They are my favorite! Yay!”
“But aren’t sweet chocolates
better than gummies?”
Come on, Tony.
Gummies are obviously better
than chocolates!”
“No way. Let me tell you why.”
Molded beautifully
“Oh, choco-chocolate!”
All wrapped, oh-so sweetly
“Oh, choco-chocolat