BEST OF ROAD RAGE | Brake Checks, Karens, Bad Drivers | BEST OF THE YEAR 2023
🛑 Submit your clips:
⚫ Contact me at dashcamlessons@
⚫ Links to the original videos:
1. joey roo - --- road rage car accident
2. DashMan NashCam - --- Bad Driver Goes Wrong Way In Nashville, Tennessee
3. anonymous - --- Driving video clip ( Flemington, NJ )
4. Captain_Tim - --- Another Jeremy Dewitte(not actually Metro State) type person ( Delray Beach, FL )
5. Juicyy
6. Bad Albuquerque Drivers - --- Was I wrong? ( Albuquerque, New Mexico )
7. Jacob Shroyer - --- Road Rage Mt09
8. Impusl3infusion - --- ( Oceanside CA )
9. RUSTy life - --- ( Wisconsin )
10. Christopher Kalt,Sr. - --- ( Corona, CA )
11. u/Immediate_Western497 - --- man stops in the middle of the road to get out of the car and talk.... ( )
12. Krod Krod - --- Dangerous reckless motorcycles ( Omaha, NE )
13. NAY2GAS - --- Road Rage in Jersey City Heights, Liberty & Carlton Avenues - This woke me up! WTF ( Jersey City, New Jersey )
14. Philly Commuter Hell - --- Giving a thumbs up after being cut off sets a woman off ( )
15. Dan Pritchett - --- My Pittsburgh PA Dashcam ( Pittsburgh PA )
16. Anonymous - --- ( Sugar Hill, GA )
17. Maelehn - --- We were both the idiots today, unfortunately one of us got away scott free. ( Houston, TX )
18. u/TrvlMike
19. Marc Zendman - --- 20230403 0135 CAM1 ( Depew, NY )
20. Miriam - --- Road Rage on Route 10 ( Roxbury NJ )
21. tlavoie7 - --- ( St Pete Beach, FL )
22. Bustamatic - --- ( Blind River, Ontario )
23. Anonymous
24. u/Abbreviationspen - --- Idiot flashes rifle ( Texas )
25. Nickolas
26. TigerPop - --- LA Tesla Road Rage Driver ( Los Angeles )
27. Bad Drivers of North Texas - --- Truck driver causes crash ( Burleson, Texas )
28. TK: @NahTesla - --- ( Florida )
29. leeharveyproduction - --- School Bus Road Rage ( Kenner, LA )
30. Memento_Moto - --- Crazy Road Raged Driver Attempts to Hit Biker Twice, then threatens with a metal baseball bat! ( )
31. Responsibly Rowdy - --- Phsyco Road Rage Truck VS. Motorcycle Rider ( Greensboro, North Carolina )
32. Dan Keller - --- Lady brake checks me ( Dunedin, FL )
33. Jasmine - --- Road Rage Because I honked. ( Colorado Springs, Colorado )
34. Cycling Vids - --- Let’s Discuss the Contradiction ( Denver, Colorado )
35. ODAWGDASH - --- Acura Road Rage ( )
36. Ken Miles (FORKND) - --- ( Cupertino, CA )
37. J H - --- Bad Drivers 5 ( California )
38. Anonymous - --- ( Queens, New York )
39. DashCamsMTL - --- MTL Road rage- Driver stops traffic to have a word * Yelling involved* ( )
40. Shamus - --- ( Sunshine Coast, British Columbia )
41. Midnight Silk - --- Road Rage Incident in LA
42. Slava Miliuk - --- NYC Road Rage. Watch till the end! ( I-278 )
43. AZ Fry ツ - --- My First Road Rage Incident Ever ( Chicago, IL )
44. Anonymous - --- Embarrassing Burlington Road Rage ( Burlington, Ontario )
45. MyDaily Drive - --- Road rage Part 1 ( Sanfernando Valley )
46. Anonymous
47. Anonymous
48. Kevo - --- ( Austin Texas )
49. Chris Robertson - --- Fire Power Systems Employee Road Rage ( Arlington, TX )
50. Demo One Inc - --- Tesla Road Rage
51. FuriousFenders - --- CRAZY OLD MAN SPITS AT MY CAR! ROAD RAGE ( Los Angeles )
52. Hydraulacost - @Hydraulacost ( Southeast Michigan )
53. Jay - --- Road Rage between Motorcycle and Toyota Truck ( Gaithersburg, MD )
54. Serenity Farms - --- Hit and run footage, full clip
55. Gordon B - --- ( Port Saint Lucie, FL )
56. D - --- Road Rage Abbotsford Vancouver guy BC SN6 54B ( Vancouver )
57. Nickolas - --- ( Old Bridge, NJ )
58. Anonymous - --- ( Eureka, California )
59. Alpharoth - --- Road Rage ( Dade City, FL )
⚫ My socials:
TikTok: @dashcamlessons
⚫ Intro song:
My Country - Ben Bostick