Mathematical Structure of Quantum Theory Lecture 4: Lie Groups and Lie Algebras
In this lecture, I discuss the relevance of Lie groups and Lie algebras in quantum mechanics. First, I define Lie groups and Lie algebras. Then, I use homomorphism to show the connection between the two, and I use a geometric representation to show that the Lie group represents the manifold and the Lie algebras are the tangent space. Afterwards, I list important Lie groups/algebras in quantum mechanics, illustrating examples like Heisenberd’s uncertainty principle, Yang-Mills theory, quantum entanglement, and spherical harmonics. Finally, as a bonus content, I discuss how Lie groups/algebras are relevant to general relativity and how they give rise to Killing vectors and conserved quantities. Additionally, I discuss how we can use the Killing vectors to determine surface gravity and black hole temperature.
Minor announcement: Since I am taking two graduate-level courses on computational physics and astrophysics, I decided that maybe in a couple of days, I will start a new series titled: “Computational & Theoretical Methods in Astrophysics“.
0:00:00 - Introduction
0:00:59 - Outline of lecture
0:01:26 - Summary of the last lecture
0:03:26 - Definition of a differentiable manifold
0:04:09 - Definition of a Lie group
0:04:49 - GL(n) as a Lie group
0:06:24 - Definition of a Lie algebra
0:07:57 - Angular momenta/Poisson brackets as Lie algebras
0:11:26 - Correspondence between Lie groups and Lie algebras
0:13:01 - Exponential maps
0:15:03 - Deriving the Hadamard formula by induction
0:18:07 - Deriving the BCH formula using differential equations
0:21:15 - Lie group-Lie algebra homomorphism
0:22:15 - Geometric picture of Lie groups/algebras
0:23:36 - Connection to Noether’s theorem and symmetry
0:25:43 - Importance of Lie groups/algebras in quantum mechanics
0:26:59 - Heisenberg group/algebras
0:28:42 - Connection to uncertainty
0:30:25 - U(1) group and Yang-Mills theory
0:31:58 - U(1) gauge invariance
0:34:11 - Let there be light!
0:35:46 - SU(2) and angular momenta (cool)
0:36:24 - SU(2) and entanglement (cooler)
0:36:42 - Tensor product representation of groups
0:38:36 - Decomposability
0:39:00 - Connection to entangled states
0:39:32 - Clebsch-Gordon decomposition theorem
0:40:04 - Connection to Clebsch-Gordon coefficients
0:40:52 - Bell states and decomposability
0:42:13 - Discussion on basis dependence
0:42:31 - Coordinate free representations
0:43:09 - SO(3) group and angular momenta
0:44:49 - Spherical harmonics as integral representations of SO(3)
0:47:30 - Vector transformations
0:49:25 - Tensor transformations
0:50:17 - Lie derivatives and parallel transports
0:51:38 - Killing’s equation and Killing vectors
0:52:40 - Killing vectors in Minkowski spacetime
0:55:24 - Killing vectors associated with rotations
0:55:56 - Killing vectors associated with boosts
0:55:56 - Killing vectors as generators of the Lorentz algebra
0:58:24 - Isomorphism between SU(2) and SO(1,3)
0:58:38 - Killing vectors in Schwarzschild spacetime
0:59:14 - Rotational Killing vectors in Schwarzschild spacetime
0:59:33 - Visualizing the generators associated with rotations
1:01:36 - Conservation laws in Schwarzschild spacetime
1:02:02 - Poincaré group/algebras
1:02:29 - Surface gravity of black holes
1:04:06 - Discussion on black hole temperature
1:04:32 - Content of next lecture
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