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What Does a Hero Truly Need?
For our loyal courier Derpy Hooves, I guess Donut Joe the Shopkeeper successfully convinced her to purchase a couple of Divine Rapiers (In case of you who don’t get the reference, 300 damage item that drops on death) :D
College has been busy, I’ve been unable to make animation at the pace I’m used to make it ^^; But here is one of them, My Little Pony and Dota 2 crossed, based on the Dota 2 Gamescom Trailer with me taking liberties with the heroes being featured.
...t contact with Warcraft 3 Dota a year ago, love it. And then Dota 2 comes out. So yeah, I guess I’ve been wasting a few hours playing the game. I suck playing carries, so I usually go support, initiators or gankers. 3 guesses on who purchased the courier and wards almost every game :D
The heroes / characters and ponies used are as follows, in order of appearance
-Donut Joe as Shopkeeper
-Derpy Hooves as Flying Courier
-Rarity as Sniper
-Spike as Dragon Knight
-Big Macintosh as Earthshaker
-Applejack as Windrunner
-Rainbow Dash as Storm Spirit
-Trixie as Lina the Slayer
-Twilight Sparkle as Rubick the Grand Magus
-Starswirl the Bearded as Invoker
-Philomeena as Phoenix (As of time of the release of this animation, still not released on dota 2 yet; but still a favourite hero in dota 1)
-Daring Do as Batrider
-Pinkie Pie as Gyrocopter
-Luna as Luna the Moonrider
-Lyra as Lion the Demon Witch
-Fluttershy as Enchantress
-Shining Armor as Omniknight
-Cadance as Chen the Holy Knight
-Celestia as Keeper of the Light
-Discord as Chaos Knight
Oh, and a cookie to those who managed to guess the abilities being used in the animation, bonus points for guessing the items :D
Will expand on this later by making hero previews such as the Gyrocopter ones
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Music and Shopkeeper Narration is directly from the Gamescom Dota 2 trailer
While credits music is
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