Volkswagen - Inside Jobs (case study)

Volkswagen Group France is looking for 1,000 mechanics and technicians all over the country. In order to meet the ever-increasing demand of a qualified workforce, 80% of recruitments are made by approaching mechanics in their current workplace, this explains the high turnover in the sector. To poach these talents from competing garages, classic recruitment tools are always used (online ads, canvassing, specialized websites, recruitment agencies). IDEA “Inside jobs” is a recruiting campaign with the priority to recruit quickly. So like the Greek warriors and their Trojan horse, Volkswagen Group France has sent vehicles to its competitors with job offers hidden inside, engraved on parts regularly subject to maintenance. To find these offers, mechanics had to be experienced, the hidden job offers required the right diagnosis. STRATEGY We didn’t send LinkedIn offers and wait for an answer like our competitors, we needed to find a media that mechanics use everyday. The cars and more precisely
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