The Adventures Of “Pongo The Pup“ - Pongo Catches The Crossword Craze (1923)

“Pathe presents its sixth all-British cartoon of The Adventures of Pongo the Pup.“ Butcher stands outside his shop looking very bandy and shouting: “Buy!“ He shouts: “I’ve got some loverly legs!“ He hits his butcher’s block with a very large knife. Pongo comes along. He pulls out his empty pockets and a thought bubble reveals him to be worrying about being sent to the workhouse. He looks at the meat in the butcher’s window. He walks into an amusement arcade (presumably) and walks up to a punch ball. It costs 1D and if the bell is rung 2D is returned. Pongo works out that 2 times 1D = 2D. He carries on with multiplication then pumps his arm to reveal a puny muscle. He jumps up and down then suddenly notices the exhausted bodies of men strewn all around him (the black mask in which we had seen Pongo opens out to reveal them). He shakes his head and decides against it. He walks along and finds a newspaper on the ground. C/U of Pongo looking at the prize crossword. Prize money is £500. He walks alo
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