Hockey Speed Workout For Speed Like McDavid πŸ’

πŸ”₯ Get our FREE Hockey Speed Package: The Workout: A - Box Jumps - 8 x 1 jump [30 secs rest] B - Triple Broad Jump - 6 x 1 [60 secs rest] C - Mountain Climber Sprints - 6 x 25 yards [75 secs rest] D1 - Alternating Split Squat Jumps - 3 x 5/side [0 secs rest] D2 - Plank - 3 x 60 secs [0 secs rest] D3 - Ankle Pogo Hops - 3 x 8 [90 secs rest] *β€œDβ€œ exercises are a tri-set, so you would complete those three back to back to back, and then rest 90 seconds and
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