Let me think about it...

omg... this have to some sort of new record this year for me xD I actually finished a vid a week after I posted another *0* *mighty proud of oneself allthough I have no reason to be* okey xD this is a project I started this summer (I think...) and I’ve randomly tried to work on it.. (with more or less no luck *sigh*) but now that the editing spirit is over me for the first time in mounts I didnt waste the opputunety to finish this project ^^ it didnt turn out as long as I wanted it to (never does anyway... ) but I hope you like it even though ^^ the last song I forgot to put in the name of (and to lazy to re-render the vid) but it’s Donkeyboy with Ambitions ^^ HOPE YOU ALL LIKE IT!!! xD
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