I take 40 minutes to clear one section and give up shortly after.
General feedback:
--I am only playing on normal, and a lot of these sections feel too unbalanced/unfair in difficulty. For example, having 3 snipers constantly shoot at you, and you can’t hit them back. Sometimes you can’t even see the sniper in the distance and he’s still shooting at you.
--When down on the pipes pulling the levers, it should be made more obvious where the player needs to go to get back up to the top. For example: light sources as cues.
--Give the player an indication that Quake style strafe jumping is in this game. Perhaps make the Cheshire Cat hint at it in one of his lines early in the game.
Glitches that I can remember off the top of my head:
--One of the ropes by the steam pipes was underwater (even though it’s not), so you’d drown if you stayed on it too long.
--Enemies can still hurt you when you stop to pull a lever. I think this should be disabled.