SUB #NCTDREAM () YO! #BMTC2 | Boys Mental Training Camp2 - NCT DREAM

*이 영상에는 간접광고 및 가상광고가 포함되어 있습니다. *This video contains indirect and virtual advertising. The real final behind-the-scene clip! It’s a game that they explain with body language🕺 🎮 Empty vessels make the most sound🏃 Mark’s new strategy for the first time!! What is Mark’s strategy that made them laugh❓ 소년멘탈캠프2 비하인드_진짜 최종_zip! NCT DREAM의 요란법석한(?) 몸으로 말해요 게임!🕺 🎮 빈 수레가 YO! RUN- 하다! 🏃 갑자기 등장한 Hip Hop..?🤙 어디서도 ǣ
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