#Tutorial #AfterEffect #Element3D #Tracking l Import an OBJ sequence in live action footage

Hello friends This is Amit from Magnet this is the tutorial about importing an OBJ. sequence inside live-action footage, hope you like it please conceder to subscribe to my channel for more stuff like this. download link here : Orient world script: #Wt8_fNj6xy-nu5ucTxISJg Free OBJ. Sequence model for element 3D: #v0SdMNKsYdCOhFCc-6MDlQ Easy Character Animation TUTORIAL For Element 3D ADOBE FUSE MIXAMO 3DS MAX AFTER EFFECT: Please watch my other film here: CGI Animated Short Film using ELEMENT 3D and AFTER EFFECT The Earth My after-effect tutorial playlist:: My CGI short clip playlist:: My gameplay playlist
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