Salvarth - mw2 Quick Scope Montage h2h PC (read description)

[QSM]Salvarth’s Montage “head 2 head“. Not saying im the best quick scoper or sumthing, just like to make vids, upload them and let you see them. judge for yourself :) the soundtrack of the song: This is a Quick Scope Montage I made for a contest on ““ Decided to upload it to youtube when I reached 1000 subscribers. thanks so much for that :). This is the montage against the montage of OpTic Predator, my montage basicly shows new kills and the best kills (in my opinion) of my old Quick Scope Montages. The audio track was given by . I hope you enjoy and if you like to vote for me on than that would be very much appreciated :). VOTING STARTS MAY 25!
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