THE WITCHER 3 - Silver for Monsters | Cover by The Pagan Minstrel

The Witcher Netflix series will be released next week, so I thought why not a Witcher 3 soundtrack cover? Silver for Monsters is one of my absolute favorites from the game, so I hope you like it! Don’t forget to like and share the video if you liked it and to subscribe for more content 😉 🎵 WATCH MORE OF MY COVERS More WITCHER covers: My Mother Told Me in OLD NORSE: Valhalla Calling (ASSASSIN’S CREED VALHALLA): AMON AMARTH - Twilight of the Thunder God: 🎵 FOLLOW ME: SUBSCRIBE: SPOTIFY: INSTAGRAM: BANDCAMP: KO-FI: STRE...AMING: 🎵 CHECKOUT MY BAND BJORTH (NORDIC FOLK MUSIC): YOUTUBE: SPOTIFY: ___________________________________________________________________________ #TheWitcher #TheWitcher3 #WitcherNetflix
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