Watch til end! Lessons Lee Kuan Yew gave to the Philippines! why did we Filipinos fail to listen?

Businessman Investor on Foreign Investment & Senate Amendment on Public Service Act of Philippines Mr. George Siy— Business Leader & Wharton-trained Investment Manager, Chairman Emeritus of Anvil Business Club. Director of Think-Tank IDSI Center... For foreign investment restrictiveness, we are currently ranked as third most restrictive of 83 countries. Lee Kuan Yew in 1990s predicted we would fall behind Malaysia and Thailand, and encouraged us to open up to competition to join the ranks. Today we are half of Thailand and a third of Malaysian per capita GDP, having recently also fallen behind Indonesia and Vietnam. The Public Service Act and foreign investment laws should be CONSISTENT and non-discriminatory, and recognized as evolving over time, adjustable as technologies and cultures and definitions of security change. Telcos are not as important as broadband access now, global media has reduced the role of national tv and publications, services have outstripped manufacturing in many countries.
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