Russian poetry - Konstantin Simonov - Kill Him (Ubey yego), 1942 - English subtitles

Konstantin Simonov (1915—1979) - Russian and Soviet author, war correspondent during WWII and well-known war poet. Poem of Konstantin Simonov “Kill him“ reads Mikhail Tsariov - a folk artist of the USSR (1903—1987). Complete English text in a version of poem from 1942 year: Constantine Simonov - KILL HIM If your house means a thing to you Where you first dreamed your Russian dreams In your swinging cradle, afloat Beneath the log ceiling beams. If your house means a thing to you With its stove, corners, walls and floors Worn smooth by the footsteps of three Generations of ancestors. If your small garden means a thing: With its May blooms and bees humming low, With its table your grandfather built Neath the linden - a century ago. If you don’t want a German to tread The floor in your house and chance To sit in your ancestors’ place And destroy your yard’s trees and plants If your mother is dear to you
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