10 MIN MORNING STRETCH | Soft Stretching For Beginners | ROKSA SIMS

10 min soft and comfy stretching on the floor♥︎ Basic exercises, which you can easily perform, no matter what fitness level you are at. Works perfectly as a cool down after ANY kind of workout, before bed, or in the morning. During session: 👉 Don’t rush, change positions smoothly and without sudden movements 👉 Maintain calm and deep breathing 👉 Sensations in the muscles should be pleasant, don’t stretch too much 🥰 📌 Early access to new workouts, exclusive polls, backstage, and more: ---------- 10 хв комфортна та приємна розтяжка на все тіло♥︎ Ідеально підходить для ранкової зарядки, після тренування та перед сном. Складається із простих базових вправ, які можуть виконати навіть початківці. Під час тренування: 👉 Не поспішай, міняй позиції плавно і без різких рухів 👉 Підтримуй спокійне та глибоке дихання 👉 І найголовніше: відчуття у м’язах повинні бути приємними, не тягнись занадто сильно🥰 📌 Ранній доступ до нових тренувань та ексклюзивні опитування: ------------ PROGRAM: 0:00 - 0:13 Start 0:14 - 0:52 Arm circles 0:53 - 1:32 Seated Side Bend 1:33 - 2:12 Seated back & chest stretch 2:13 - 2:52 Yoga Asana - Prapadasana 2:53 - 3:32 Standing Forward Bend - Uttanasana 3:33 - 4:12 Chair Pose (Utkatasana) 4:13 - 5:32 Low Lunge (Anjaneyasana) 5:33 - 6:52 Low Lunge (Anjaneyasana) 6:53 - 7:32 Side plank 7:33 - 8:12 Side plank 8:13 - 8:52 Knee To Chest 8:53 - 9:49 Knee To Chest ------------ 📩 Contacts: Instagram ⇨ Mail ⇨ @ TikTok ⇨ 🎵 Music: ⚠️ IMPORTANT: Your health and safety come first. To avoid any injury or harm, you need to check your health with your doctor before exercising. I am not a medical professional and just sharing with you what was effective for me. Try to perform all the exercises slowly and technically correctly. In case of any discomfort - training should be stopped. CALCULATION OF CALORIES: I count calories by using a chest strap heart-rate monitor. Calorie data is always approximate and may vary. It all depends on your age, weight, type of device, and many other factors. WHEN I’ll GET THE RESULTS? If you will train regularly, monitor your diet, and do all the exercises correctly, your body will actually change. But you won’t see your abs or grow a booty magically from 1 or 2 videos. To make good changes, your body needs time. No one will tell you how many, cause everyone is different. But you can start training and check it by yourself. #homeworkouts #stretching #morningstretch
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