Saddam Hussein found guilty and sentenced to death by hanging
(5 Nov 2006)
1. Chief Judge Raouf Adbul-Rahman pointing at former US attorney general Ramsey Clark UPSOUND “ Ramsey Clark, Let him in“
2. Defence lawyer for Saddam Hussein and former US attorney general Ramsey Clark sitting in court
3. SOUNDBITE (Arabic): Raouf Adbul-Rahman, Chief Judge:
“He is the ridiculous one take him out of the court, take him out, take him out!“
UPSOUND of people in the court clapping
4. Clark with guards standing behind him
5. Chief Judge banging a book on his desk
6. Cutaway of defence lawyer
7. Chief Judge addressing Saddam Hussein (overlaid with pictures of Saddam)
Chief Judge: “Keep standing... We are going to read the verdict keep standing.“
Saddam Hussein: “What?“
Chief Judge: “Keep standing we are going to read the verdict, listen to the verdict standing.“
Saddam Hussein: “I will listen to it.“
Chief Judge: “Yes Standing.“
Saddam Hussein: “No, sitting.“
Chief Judge: “Stand... Make him stand“ (speaking to the guards) NOT PICTURED
Saddam Hussein:“ Don’t twist my arm“ (speaking to the guards) NOT PICTURED
Chief Judge: “ Leave him, leave him. The court decided to sentence Saddam Hussein Almajid to death.“
Saddam Hussein: “Long live the people, long live the nation, down with the traitors, down down the invaders ..Allah Akbar...(God is great). Long live the people (Iraqi people) long live the nation (Arab nation), down the traitors, down down with the invaders, go to hell, you and the court, silence for the ones should shut up. We are for it. We are the human people. The criminal invaders are the enemies of humanity and their collaborators are the enemies of humanity. God is great, God is great, silence for the ones who should shut up. I recommend the great Iraqi people to forgive the ones who chose the wrong side if they decide to come back and change their situation. I also recommend that the great people (Iraqis) should feel angry with the people from the countries that occupied Iraq and be ready to pardon them. You are not the ones who decide, you are servants of the occupation, of the invaders and their followers, God is great, life for us and death for our enemies, life for the people and death for their enemies, long live the great nation (Arab nation) and death for its enemy, long live humanity!“
8. Chief Judge sitting in court
9. Barzan Ibrahim, defendant and Saddam Hussein’s half brother, shouting as he walks into the dock UPSOUND: “Long live the Arabs, long live the (Arab) nation, long live the unity of the Iraqi people, long live the Ba’ath party, the party of the high level principles“
10. Barzan standing in dock, UPSOUND (Arabic), Chief Judge:
“The court sentenced Barzan Ibrahim to death.“
11. Defence team
12. Barzan listening
13. Chief Judge
14. Defendant, Awad Hamed al-Bandar, head of former Revolutionary Court, standing before the judge
UPSOUND (Arabic) Chief Judge :
“The court sentences Awad Hamad Al-Bandar to death.“
15. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Awad Hamed al-Bandar, Defendant, head of the former Revolutionary Court:
“God is greater than the traitors.“
16. Chief Judge reading out sentence while Awad Hamed al-Bandar shouts “God is Great“, “God is Great“, “God is Great“
17. Awad Hamed al-Bandar shouting and a guard’s hand enters shot
18. Chief Judge pointing towards next defendant
19. Taha Yassin Ramadhan, former Vice President and Saddam’s deputy, standing in court as chief Judge sentences him to life in prison UPSOUND (Arabic) Chief Judge:
“The court decided to sentence Ramadhan to life in prison.“
22. Mohammed Azawi Ali, a former Dujail Baath Party official, UPSOUND (arabic) Chief Judge:
#SaddamHussein #trial #verdict
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