Renaissancissimo! Quand je bois du vin clairet, Tourdion by NVA

From the performance “Renaissancissimo!” Pierre Attaingnant (1st half 16th century) Quand je bois du vin clairet (song) Tourdion (dance) Live recorded in Amsterdam, Muziekgebouw aan t IJ, Grote Zaal January 21st 2017 Capella Juvenalis pro Musica Antiqua, Renaissance music, song, dance, theatre and acrobacy for all ages singers and dancers aged 10-21 Música Temprana Conductor and musical reconstructions Adrián Rodríguez van der Spoel Staging Deda Cristina Colonna Reconstruction and choreography historical dance Dorothée Wortelboer Scenography Tjallien Walma van der Molen Costumes Dorothée Wortelboer, Carla Monchen, Dorothee Olthof, Patrica Stuart Preparation choir Eline Welle Adrián Rodríguez van der Spoel - renaissance guitar and conductor Paulina van Laarhoven - vihuela de arco Nick Milne - vihuela de arco Andrès Locatelli - recorder Núria Sanromà Gabàs - cornetto Simen van Mechelen - trombone Charles Toet - trombone François de Rudder - dulcian Flora Papadopoulos - harp Pere Olivé - percussion Capella Juvenalis pro Musica Antiqua is the renaissance ensemble of “Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam”, a training program in classical singing for children and youth, aged 4 and up, specialising in opera and music theatre. Capella Juvenalis was founded in 2007 by Caro Kindt, has been invited to perform in several european countries and recently won a First Prize Summa Cum Laude at the Europees Muziekfestival voor de Jeugd (linkje eronder naar de engelse pagina). Capella represents everything NVA has to offer – high quality children’s and youth choir singing, combined with confident stage presentation and more. The melting of Renaissance song, dance, instrumental music, theatre and staging into a dynamic performance, and the fact that this is all performed by children and young people, is a combination you will not find anywhere else. Capella’s performances aim to bring the Renaissance to life; they invite the audience to see the court entertainment from long ago and make the symbolic meanings of the authentic dances meaningful for a modern audience.
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