Who Was The Man From Taured? / Documentary (English/HD)

On an unusually hot day in July, 1954, a man arrived at Tokyo International Airport. The bearded man who appeared to be of caucasian origin and possessing a French accent, claimed to hail from a principality known as Taured. Despite being able to produce documents, such as a Taured issued passport, that supported his origin from this non-existent country. The mystery deepens however, as when authorities stated that this country didn’t exist and was actually known as the Principality in Andorra, the man became confused. This video will look into the episode that is the story of the Man from Taured and possible theories as to how this man possessed evidence of Taured’s existence. As well as what happened to this citizen of Taured after this incident took place. Bibliography: Ancient Origins, (2016), The Mysterious Tale of the Man from Taured - Evidence for Parallel Universes?Or an Embellishment? Week in Weird, (2014), Man without a Country: Who was the Mystery Man from Taured? Narrator: Larry G. Jones #taured #mystery #secret
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