Here we have a version of the Blutrausch song that comes very close to the final version, which was then released on the “Blutrausch“ demo. Mainly the singing and especially the intermittent grunting of Asura varies here. Asura had already fallen into the delusion of having to isolate himself more and more in order to feel and live the true essence of the only true black metal.
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1 month ago 00:24:46 36
Простите за беспокойство. Или человек, который продает(ся) // Ирина Штерк. Между строк.
1 month ago 00:34:52 1
Манифест Коммунистической Партии (К.Маркс/Ф.Энгельс)
4 months ago 00:25:38 7
СЕНЕКА: Как жить “долго“ и не бояться смерти / О скоротечности жизни // СМЫСЛ.doc