: Google “career choices“. I just did. 3.9 million results. That’s a lot of opinions.
Where do you start when it comes to choosing your career? In all likelihood this is a not a decision that you will make just once. Research evidences 48% of today’s university leavers expect to have three or more careers during their working lives -- 5% expect to have more than five careers.
So how do you make the choice that is right for you?
Before you can embark upon your path to career fulfillment, you first need to really understand who you are.
You must invest some time in you. Isn’t it somewhat ironic that most of us will quite happily invest an inordinate amount of time in choosing a weeks vacation destination than we will invest time in something that could conceivably last a life time!
So first things first take some time out. Devote some time to you. Devote some time to understanding what it is that makes you tick, what inspires you, engages you, excites you, motivates you, interests you, intrigues you.
What are your values? What skills do you possess? What kind of personality are you?
Ask those who are close to you, that you can really trust to be honest, how they would describe you and in particular your personality.
This is really important and can be hugely insightful. It can certainly help you to rule out certain career choices that perhaps you are not cut out for.
Whatever happens here, it is important to note that you should rule out career choices for yourself, not let somebody else rule them out for you who is simply not qualified to do so.
The only person who truly knows what career choices might interest them is you. Be honest with yourself. if something really inspires you, really appeals to you, then go for it, pursue with all you’ve got until such time as you personally make the decision that having discovered all that you have, it isn’t going to be for you.
Really understanding your values, your characteristics, your personality traits is never easy. For some it is hugely challenging. Help is available. You may want to consider undertaking some personality testing or other form of profiling that can help you to understand who you really are, what makes you tick, what you are all about.
There are lots of these kinds of products in the market place, finding the right one that meets your need can be challenging. If you have a question about profiling then come to and ask me. I’ll happily give you all the help I can.
In the meantime an important thing to consider with any form of profiling is that it is not a test! It is an opportunity to truly understand more about your make up and therefore should be treated as such an opportunity.
My point is simple, don’t be nervous, don’t shy away from them for fear of the process or indeed outcome. They can be truly insightful and beneficial and it should be a wholly positive experience. However please note, none are 100% accurate, and all should be fed back professionally.
If you see elements to a profile that you fundamentally disagree with that is absolutely fair. Be honest with yourself for sure, but if you see something that you think just isn’t you go with it.
Setting out your career choices starts with who you are. More on where you go from here can be found at . Come and subscribe today. Its free. For the career you deserve, for a choice that will shape your life and could last you a lifetime, why wouldn’t you invest the time.
See the full article at
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