Keanu Silva - King Of My Castle (Don Diablo Edit) (Official Audio)

Stream / Download ► Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel ► “I just started making music when the original version of “King Of My Castle“ by Whamdue Project got released. Since then I have considered the record to be a timeless classic that still sounds relevant in 2019. When Keanu sent me his first demo of his . remake I got excited straight away and tested it out in one of my sets. This immediately sparked a lot of creative ideas in my mind, so I started working on a new version in my studio. We ended up sending a few versions back and forth and then finally, after testing it out more extensively, we agreed on a version that we both loved. Since that day the track has become one of the most requested ID’s in my sets and we are excited to finally share it with the world!“ - Don Diablo
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