Our YEARS worth of FOOD! | Root Cellar Tour (full & complete!) | Food Storage

Come along on my root cellar tour - here’s what our years worth of food looks like! Now that it’s finished, we were finally able to take you through the entire root cellar (full and complete!). Come see our food storage in its many forms: canning, dehydrating, fermenting, and more. NOT INCLUDED: all the meat that we keep up in chest freezers in our barn. To see how I cook with all these ingredients... 🥖JOIN OUR COOKING COMMUNITY 🥖 Oil-packed tomatoes: Homemade flavored salts: Sour-pickles: Flower tea: 🌱HOW WE KEEP A HEALTHY FAMILY AND HOME 🌱 🍋HOW WE STOCK A WHOLE-FOOD KITCHEN 🍋 💻BLOG: 📷 INSTAGRAM: @theelliotthome _____________________________ OUR BOOKS: 📚Welcome To The Farm: 📚Family Table: 📚Seasons at the Farm: 📚From Scratch: ____________________________ CAMERA EQUIPMENT: 📷Camera: 📷Lens:
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