James Byrnes returns from unsuccessful London Council of Foreign Ministers (1945)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit U.S. Secretary of State James Byrnes returns from the failed Council of Foreign Ministers still? Full Description: USA: Unknown: INT/EXT AMERICA. Mr. Byrnes arriving back in States after failure of 5 Powered Conference in London. Personalities - Politicians; United States of America James Francis Byrnes, U.S. Secretary of State, Council of Foreign Ministers, Five Powers, Big Five, USSR, UK, France, USA, China, London, breakdown, press conference, hope, session, stalemate Background: U.S. Secretary of State James Byrnes returns from the failed Council of Foreign Ministers still hoping for future success FILM ID: VLVAF0U14K0DFOKZ8G67PXNRKVR7V To license this film, visit Archive: Reut
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