Tunis, Land Day, 1st of April. We had the honor to have a short interview with comrade Myassar Atyani, From PFLP, and Defensor -at the General Union of Palestinian Women- of Palestinian Women in the zionist Prisons.
She has been herself , three times kidnapped and jailed . The main message of this meeting is the necessity of UNION in the struggle, Unity in the resistance outside and inside the prisons. Only by reaching the unity of all the resistants , zionism can be defeated. We thank the Watad of Tunisia to give us this opportunity.
There are more than 7000 palestinians political prisoners
536 administratives prisoners
61 women prisoners the youngest has 13 years old
300 child , 11 have less than 11 years old
We, We once again demand an end to the policies of security coordination ( Palestinian Authority and the Zionists services) that further threaten Palestinian life and freedom at the behest of the colonizationShow more