SOME LOVING (B.I - Keep me up M/V Reaction)

😲 Oooh what is this?! 🌌 Patreon | πŸ˜„ Thanks for the fire new tune, B.I! =========== Check out my other social media! =========== πŸ”Œ Main Channel | πŸ”Œ More Videos | πŸ”Œ TwitchTV | πŸ”Œ Twitter | πŸ”Œ Instagram | πŸ”Œ Discord | πŸ”Œ Store | πŸ”Œ Spotify | ================================================= 🧾 Translate for me: 🌴 Don’t forget to click that little notification bell to make sure you *actually* see all my new videos! πŸ’™ Thanks for w
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