“Britain MUST prepare for war with Russia“ U.K. General calls for conscription | Redacted News

✅Videos we recommend: Citizens in the United Kingdom must prepare for a draft, according to military officials. The head of the army said that Britain should “train and equip” a “citizen Army” in preparation for a war with Russia. Sweden has been warned about this too because both militaries say that they are unprepared for a war with Russia. Why don’t they just not go to war with Russia? Just a thought. ✅ 💥 Best Way to Invest in Gold and Silver is with Lear Capital ⚡️ 👉 Call them today at tel:800-613-3557 👉 or go to ⭐️ Get your FREE $3,200 Gold and Silver investor guide from Lear Capital ⭐️Receive up to $15,000 in FREE bonus metals with a qualified purchase ✅Videos we recommend: LIVE STREAM SCHED
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