Adyghs live in my land | Заур Тутов - Адыги на земле моей живут (Circassian Song)
A song about the Adyghs, with English and Russian Lyrics included. Performed by Zaur Tutov, People’s Artist of the Russian Federation (2011), gaining fame in 1973 at the WFDY All-Union competition in Minsk
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Music Sung by Zaur Tutov
Video produced by Motive Art
Tags: caucasus, kavkaz, folkmusic, pop music, traditionalmusic, circassia, Аdygea, кавказскиепесни, черкесская песня, черкесский танец, адыгэ, Адыгея, Кабардино Балкария, kavkaz music, адыгские песни
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Adyghs live in my land | Заур Тутов - Адыги на земле моей живут (Circassian Song)
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