LL - Essential Guitar Practice Routines - Alternate Picking DVDRip

00 - Technique & Exercises: 00 - DVD Introduction 00:00:00 01 - Holding The Pick 00:01:12 02 - One String Lick 1 00:04:16 03 - One String Lick 2 00:06:05 04 - One String Lick 3 00:08:02 05 - Muting 00:09:34 06 - E Harmonic Minor Lick 00:10:16 07 - A Harmonic Minor Lick 00:12:04 08 - A Minor Pentatonic Lick 00:13:56 09 - E Minor Pentatonic Lick 00:15:46 10 - String Skipping Lick 1 00:18:43 11 - String Skipping Lick 2 00:19:51 12 - Inside & Outside Picking 00:22:10 13 - DVD Conclusion 00:26:21 01 - Beginner: 01 - Introduction 00:27:26 02 - Beginner Performance 00:27:40 03 - Chords 00:30:12 04 - A Section 00:33:30 05 - B Section 00:43:27 06 - Solo Section 00:48:21 02 - Intermediate: 01 - Introduction 00:57:59 02 - Intermediate Performance 00:58:08 03 - Chords 01:00:03 04 - A & B Solo Sections 01:08:45 05 - C Solo Section 01:16:58 06 - D & E Solo Sections 01:25:36 03 - Advanced: 01 - Introduction 01:37:39 02 - Advanced Performance 01:37:51 03 - Chords 01:40:51 04 - A Solo Section 01:49:19 05 - B Solo Section 01:58:39 06 - C Solo Section 02:06:00 07 - D Solo Section 02:15:06
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