We meet. Poet of the world .Keamogetsi Molapong, Namibia. Встречаем поэта мира Keamogetsi Molapong
Keamogetsi joseph Molapong, Namibia
Keamogetsi Joseph Molapong was born in 1972, in Windhoek, Namibia. He has been writing poetry since 1990. He was instrumental in the creation of two Windhoek poetry groups Ama Poets and Kitso Poets in 1992 and 1996, respectively. He participated in the publication “We opened the door and saw ourselves“ (New Namibia Books, 1998). In 2012, Molapong contributed to the book “There is No Peace Here“ (World Knowledge Publishers, Beijing, 2010). The poems in this anthology have been translated into Chinese. In 2009 and 2010, Keamogetsi participated in the 1st and 2nd SADC Poetry Festival, held in Windhoek and Gaborone, respectively. Molapong has also participated in international festivals such as the 11th Africa Poetry Festival (2007) in Durban, South Africa, the Poesie Berlin Festival in Germany (2009) and the Bare enere Poetry Festival in Maseru, Lesotho (2014). The last festival that Molapong participated in was the Poetavango International Arts Festival