Frodo Baggins vs. Ancient Egyptians - Rap Battle! - ft. Freeced, LittleFlecks, Mix Williams & more
frodo baggins vs. ancient egyptians - rap battle! - ft. freeced, littleflecks, mix williams & more
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Freeced as Narrator
LittleFlecks as Frodo Baggins
Mancha (UBERocity) as Ramses II
Snakebite126 as King Tut
Bblackroses as Cleopatra
Mix Williams as Anubis
Psytube as Samwise Voice
OTBProds as Samwise Video
Lawless Marshall as Gandalf
Ultimate145 as Mummies
Video Directed & Edited by Freshy Kanal & RobotRichie
Ramses Animation by Tretoonzz
Tut Animation by Luke Reardon
Cleopatra Animation by BMB
Anubis Animation by RobotRichie
Additional Backgrounds by JesseBoxVO, RobotRichie, TreToonzz, Luke Reardon & BMB
Written by Freshy Kanal, Snakebite126, Nekomancer Jade, Evan, Eric the Audible & LittleFlecks
Additional Writing Help by JustGamer, Shimario, JesseBoxVO, Zagranis, RobotRichie, Rabi & Rayyan
Mixed and Mastered by Freshy Kanal
Beats Produced by Insanebeatz, Simon Servida, Freshy Kanal, Audio Network, GlitchDude & Breathtaking Beats
Storyboard by Freshy Kanal, RobotRichie, TreToonzz, LittleFlecks, BMB & Luke Reardon
Thumbnail by LittleFlecks
freshy kanal is a youtube channel that makes rap battles with different characters like video game rap battles, erbparodies and of course epic rap battles of history themselves, yall are EPIC aaand yea what else do i do, cooking shows, behind the scenes of the rap battles, tutorials yada yada yada
frodo baggins is a fictional character in j. r. r. tolkien’s writings, and one of the protagonists in the lord of the rings. frodo is a hobbit of the shire who inherits the one ring from his cousin, described familiarly as “uncle“, bilbo baggins and undertakes the quest to destroy it in the fires of mount doom in mordor. he is mentioned in tolkien’s posthumously published works, the silmarillion and unfinished tales.
frodo is repeatedly wounded during the quest, and becomes increasingly burdened by the ring as it nears mordor. he changes, too, growing in understanding and compassion, and avoiding violence. on his return to the shire, he is unable to settle back into ordinary life; two years after the ring’s destruction, he is allowed to take ship to the earthly paradise of valinor.
frodo’s name comes from the old english name fróda, meaning “wise by experience“. commentators have written that he combines courage, selflessness, and fidelity, and that as a good character, he seems unexciting but grows through his quest, an unheroic person who reaches heroic stature.
ancient egypt was a civilization of ancient africa, concentrated along the lower reaches of the nile river, chronology) with the political unification of upper and lower egypt under menes (often identified with narmer). the history of ancient egypt occurred as a series of stable kingdoms, separated by periods of relative instability known as intermediate periods: the old kingdom of the early bronze age, the middle kingdom of the middle bronze age and the new kingdom of the late bronze age.
egypt reached the pinnacle of its power in the new kingdom, ruling much of nubia and a sizable portion of the near east, after which it entered a period of slow decline. during the course of its history egypt was invaded or conquered by a number of foreign powers, including the hyksos, the libyans, the nubians, the assyrians, the achaemenid persians, and the macedonians under the command of alexander the great. the greek ptolemaic kingdom, formed in the aftermath of alexander’s death, ruled egypt until 30 bc, when, under cleopatra, it fell to the roman empire and became a roman province
#freshykanal #mixwilliams #rapbattle #freeced #littleflecks
frodo baggins vs. ancient egyptians - rap battle! - ft. freeced, littleflecks, mix williams & more
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