Crowning The Champions Of Peace Park 2022 | Outside Watch

So many skilled snowboarders, but only two can take the coveted axe home. 🪓 From its nascent launch in 2011, Peace Park has existed to bring snowboarders together and celebrate the mountain community. As a capstone to a decade of Peace Park, Danny Davis, Red Gerard, Jamie Anderson, Mark McMorris and the entire roster of the 2022 Woodward Peace Park Championships host the public at Mt. Bachelor, OR, for laps through the event features and courses. Dubbed ‘Peace Park for the People,’ this community day caps off a hectic week of competition while highlighting the very essence of snowboarding. Filled with smiles, prizes and high fives, this day reminds everyone why we ride in the first place: friendship, camaraderie and pure stoke. ABOUT THE SERIES: Celebrating 10 years of Peace Park, the 2022 Woodward Peace Park Championships at Mt. Bachelor, OR, expands upon the vision of renowned snowboarder, Danny Davis, for what’s possible on snow. Founded by Davis in 2011, Peace Park breaks traditio
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