This episode of Elden Ring Dissected is all about Poise! The mechanics of both PvE and PvP Poise are broken down in detail. How much poise enemies have and how breaking stance works, how long it takes to refill, how much poise your weapons drain, and poise breakpoints and safepoints are discussed (among other things).
Special thanks to Amir and Kingbore for general help / troubleshooting / research assistance:
Amir’s DS3 Poise video:
Spreadsheet with poise damage values:
Elden Ring Hyper Armor poise calculator:
A few sound effects provided by
0:00 Introduction
2:31 PvE Poise
6:52 The Tankiest Enemy Awards
20:40 Weapon Poise Damage Review
25:56 PvE Poise Damage Modifiers
27:55 PvP Poise Overview
33:48 Hyper Armor
39:16 Poise Breakpoints
43:15 Poise-Boosting Gear
46:04 Credits / Closing Words