Exclusive: Phil Heath talks ‘Breaking Olympia’ and Finishing the Fast Break

Seven-time Olympia winner Phil Heath explains to M&F contributing editor Jeff Tomko the importance of sharing his story in a documentary and also how he developed his championship-level competitiveness playing sports in Seattle alongside a who’s who of future pro sports stars. “Breaking Olympia” is now on Premium Video On Demand (PVOD) SUBSCRIBE for regular videos: [club18913714|@muscleandfitness] Read Phil Heath’s full story on Jeff Tomko @jefftomko Phil Heath [club23465017|@philheath] IG: [club18913714|@muscleandfitness] X: [club37160678|@muscle_fitness] Summary :34: Heath talk...s about his childhood, and admiring Nate Burleson’s work ethic. 1:41: Playing with and against future NBA stars during high school. 2:11: The reason for Seattle’s abundance of talented athletes. 3:48: What made growing up in the ‘80s and ‘90s more competitive. 6:35: the differences growing up then and today. 9:34: Why it’s important to tell your story onscreen. 11:43: What touched Heath the most after watch
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