1 hour of italian fascist music for studying, sleeping, relaxing and meditation

0:00 -Giovinezza -Youth 2:32 -Faccetta nera -Little black face 5:05 -Fischia il sasso -The whistling stone 7:13 -Africa nostra -Our Africa 10:03 -Italia in piedi -Italy standing 13:32 -Allarmi siam fascisti -To arms we’re Fascist 16:20 -Canterà faccetta nera -Will sing little black face 19:05 -Cantate dei legionari -Sing of the legionaries 22:02 -Ciao biondina -Hello blondie 24:19 -Divina Patria -Divine homeland 26:50 -Duce a noi -Duce to us 29:43 -Il canto degli italiani -The song of the italians 32:15 -Il ritorno del volontario -The return of the volunteer 34:40 -Inno a Roma -Hymn to Rome 37:52 -Me ne frego -I do not care 41:10 -Mediterraneo -Mediterranean 43:56 -Fiamme nere -Black flames 45:49 -Inno per la Flottiglia Mas -Hymn for the Mas Flotilla 48:55 -La canzone della vittoria -The victory song 51:27 -La mamma del soldato -The mother of the soldier 54:24 -Oh Malta -Oh Malta 56:36 -Passo romano -Roman step italy,ww2,mussolini,
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